3rd World Centenarian Initiative
International Symposium on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
―Giving new hope: novel therapies toward a cure―

ALS病治療戦略国際シンポジウム -より良いQOLと予後を目指した新規治療法の開発-


■イベント名称3rd World Centenarian Initiative
International Symposium on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
-Giving new hope: novel therapies toward a cure-
■会場千里ライフサイエンスセンタービル 5F サイエンスホール
■会場住所〒556-0082 大阪府豊中市新千里東町1-4-2 千里ライフサイエンスセンタービル内 サイエンスホール
・御堂筋線 終点「千里中央」駅下車(北出口すぐ)
・大阪モノレール 門真市行「千里中央」駅下車(徒歩約5分)
■主催公益財団法人先端医療振興財団   (後援:一般社団法人ARO協議会、JaCALS)



(公財) 先端医療振興財団 臨床研究情報センター オンライン参加登録事務局


2016.2.16 Update

Opening remarks
Shigeki Kuzuhara (Suzuka University of Medical Science)
Keynote Address
Perspectives on therapeutic research for ALS
Gen Sobue (Nagoya University)
Session I  Risk assessment, early detection and prognosis of ALS
Clinical Features of ALS according to the Japanese National Registry for Intractable and Rare Diseases
Yoko Sato (National Institute of Public Health)
Neuroimaging for early diagnosis of ALS
Makoto Sasaki (Iwate Medical University)
Session II  Development of novel therapeutics for ALS
The role of ALS Patient Associations in funding and facilitating clinical research
Brian Dickie (Motor Neurone Disease Association, UK)
Development of specific therapy for sporadic ALS
Shin Kwak (The University of Tokyo)
Preliminary investigation of safety and efficacy of fasudil in subjects with ALS
Dongsheng Fan (Peking University, CHINA)
Immune-inflammatory modulation as a therapeutic strategy of stem cell therapy in ALS
Seung Hyun Kim (Hanyang University, KOREA)
Regenerative therapies for ALS using hepatocyte growth factor
Naoki Suzuki (Tohoku University)*演者変更になりました。
Overview of the US Clinical Trials for ALS - What can we learn from them? -
Haruhiko Banno (Massachusetts General Hospital / Harvard Medical School, USA)
Session III  Robotic rehabilitation and Brain-Machine Interface for ALS
Brain-machine interface for ALS patients
Toshiki Yoshimine (Osaka University)
Cybernic neurorehabilitation using Hybrid Assistive Limb® (HAL®) for the patients with neuromuscular disease
Takashi Nakajima (Niigata National Hospital)
Closing remarks